the only other hell.

Hell is also living in the future.

If you read yesterday’s post it was all about the past. For me, that somehow makes more sense. The future involves good planning, scheduling, vision, etc… but it’s still the same hell. It doesn’t exist either.

Hell is living in the future. The good things we want to do. The bad things we don’t want to do. It doesn’t matter. We can’t live there. It’s hell to try.

Yes, we can hope for it, think about it, even plan a bit. But we can’t live there.

Side note: living in the future is mostly where anxiety and worry come from. It’s rarely about the present.

There is a reason Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is now. There is a reason the mystics across every religion (or lack thereof) constantly encourage living in the present moment.

The next time you’re tempted to go and live in the future, it might be exactly that: a temptation.

And if there is an afterlife, it’s really going to suck for people who want to continually live in some kind of future.

I had a friend say it this way: if we’re living in the future or the past, we’re dead because neither of those things exist. We’re walking zombies. It’s that whole alive vs living thing. Life is only now.

(Read Insipid. It talks more about this.)


the only heaven.


the only hell.