the only hell.

It’s no secret that I can be fairly jealous. Still, hear me out.

Hell is living in the past.

For a jealous person that can make sense. Yeah, it’s hell to keep going back.

But that’s not all jealousy is and that’s certainly not all the past is.

Like I said, hear me out.

Hell is living in the past. The good we want to live again. (we’ve been watching old home movies and there is a huge part of me that wants to go back in many ways and appreciate it more.) The bad we may want to redo. It doesn’t matter. We can’t live there. It’s hell to try.

Yes, we can learn from it.

Yes, we can appreciate it.

Yes, we can be grateful.

Yes, we should go to therapy if we need to in order to not live there.

Because we can’t.

There is a reason Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is now. There is a reason the mystics across every religion (or lack thereof) constantly encourage living in the present moment.

The next time you’re tempted to go and live in the past, it might be exactly that: a temptation.

And if there is an afterlife, it’s really going to suck for people who want to continually live in some kind of past.

(Read Insipid. It talks more about this.)


the only other hell.

