
Let’s get back to Pharaoh for a second. 

Imagine a little scenario, if you will. 

You are living in Egypt as a Hebrew slave. You go to work every day to make bricks. Good-bye honey, off to make some bricks. Love you. 

Day after day. 

But, of course, some things change. 

Honey! I quit making bricks for those idiots. I’m now making bricks at a better spot. You should see these bricks. I mean they are so much nicer. And we cut them a little bit differently. It’s a much smoother cut. I think these bricks are going to be used on the new pyramid we are building! The really nice one! 

Oh, honey, I’m so proud of you. Do they beat you there? 

Oh, yeah, of course. But much less! Most people only get a few lashings! 

Day after day. 

But, of course, some things change. 

Honey, tough day at work. Things aren’t going well. They’ve raised the quotas. I’m going to be staying later. More work to do. These new bricks are really in high demand and Pharaoh wants more of them. He’s also informed everyone that he’s found us lazy. Apparently, he’s not been happy. It means later nights. 

I’m so sorry, honey. But, hey, at least we have meat and stew to eat for dinner! 

I know! You’re right! It’s so true.  I mean what’s our other option? Go wander around a desert and eat dew off the ground? Can you imagine how much we would miss that stew? It’s definitely worth it. Besides, this is legacy stuff. These pyramids will be around forever... and I was a part of it. 

Day after day. 

Now, thank goodness, none of us live this story today. No one would be so stupid as to trap themselves into certainty and paychecks and abuse in order to earn a living and pay the bills. 

I was going through this scenario with a friend and he looked at me and said “My girlfriend and I have been living in sin.” 

At first, I thought it was a little strange that he was going to tell me about his sex life but then he continued... “It’s what I do every day. Bye honey. Love you. Off to make bricks.” 

Some thoughts: 

If I were to sum up the entire Bible, I might say it’s a story of a God who doesn’t want people making bricks. And it’s not about freeing people so that they can then enslave other people - no it’s about no one making bricks under the tyrannical rule of power and certainty and comfort. 

All are mean masters. 

It’s about being free. 

Jesus shows up on the scene and his followers basically say, “Hey who are we going to force to make bricks for us now?” And Jesus answers, “No one, you idiots. Are you still not getting this? No one is making bricks!"

I came to set the captives free. 

If we can be bold with God about anything - and I do think there are certain instances where we are to ask and know that God will give us - it is about being free. No, it’s not about getting a new car or a parking spot. It is about being freed from making bricks. 

God doesn’t want anyone making bricks. Period. When you pray, if you pray, demand God get you out of brick-making and prevent you from forcing others to make them. 

Don’t be fooled. There are some very rich people making more bricks than some very poor people. It’s got little to do with dollar bills and more to do with addiction to the things that dollar bills provide. That’s why we don’t like the desert where those things are suddenly taken. And yet, that’s where we learn everything. 

Heroes go into the desert because they are tired of making bricks. 

One last word: the capitalistic beatings of America are tearing up our skin as bad as any of Pharaoh’s whips. Don't’ be fooled. Many of us are working to build monuments to power, to abuse, and to the elite. Arguably, at least Pharaoh was open about it and not hiding it under the less insulting names of free market individualistic pursuit of happiness. 


stop. again.


not working.