not working.

There is a huge difference in quitting because something is work and in quitting because something is not working. 

There is a huge difference in not quitting when something is work and in not quitting when something is not working. 

There are costs to both, but they are not the same costs. One will give you life and one will kill you. Sometimes literally. 

Some of the most inspiring stories are stories of people who work tremendously hard to make something happen. To make that dream come true. To write. To speak. To teach. To travel. To be a comedian. To get on stage. To travel to Mars. Their stories are always the same... filled with work. 

The other half of the most inspiring stories are stories of people who quit because they recognize they are prolonging someone else’s dream and putting effort and hours into something that simply doesn’t work. A teacher who quit to tend bar. A lawyer who quit to open a Yoga studio. An engineer who became a nudist. A neurologist who quit and opened a restaurant. Their stories are always the same... ending work. 

There is a massive difference in being afraid of work and being afraid of work that doesn’t work.

There are many voices, many who will benefit greatly from us working on a job that doesn’t work, who will tell us to keep working. Make sure it’s working.



